Transfer details

Your trip from to is approximately 0 km.

Select a vehicle *

max 4 x One Way, price: 12.78 Euro (25.00 BGN)

Two Way, price: 23.01 Euro (45.00 BGN)

max 8 x One Way, price: 15.34 Euro (30.00 BGN)

Two Way, price: 27.61 Euro (54.00 BGN)

max 20 x One Way, price: 15.34 Euro (30.00 BGN)

Two Way, price: 27.61 Euro (54.00 BGN)

max 50 x One Way, price: 30.68 Euro (60.00 BGN)

Two Way, price: 55.22 Euro (108.00 BGN)


Travel Details

Number of passengers adults     children     infants
Arrival date and time
Drop off adress
Departure date and time
(only for two-way transfer)
Pick up address
(only for two-way transfer)
Passenger Details
Name *
E-mail address *
Mobile phone *
Additional information
Meet and greet title
Payment method * via Credit card     Pay on arrival

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